Is it required to install anything?

No. Enectiva is operated as a service which can be used from any device, that is connected to the internet and is equipped with web browser. Your data are available to you anytime and from anywhere without any installations.

Who owns the data in Enectiva?

Data of all our customers are still their property. Enectiva team can utilise them only for statistical summaries in order to improve our services.

How do you import meter readings?

There are two ways of import. The best way is to use our tested communication devices and connect the meters to the automatic import system. Everything is then automatically imported with no mistakes. Second option is to import reading manually into the app via .xls or .csv files.

For how long does the contract with Enectiva last?

Typically, the service is payed for by monthly invoicing. Our customer has the advantage of reduction or expansion of our services at will. In the conclustion he will pay only for what he is actually using. Yearly invoicing is also possible, there is a 10% discount offered for this method.

What is the payment method?

Right now, wire transfer to our bank account is utilised, which can be found in contacts.

If I want to stop using Enecvita, how can I cancel?

It is very easy, just dont pay the next invoice and you will lose access to your account afther the payed period is over. You will be notified two times via email.

In the case I do not pay or cancel my account, will my data be deleted?

In the case of not paying you monthly invoice, you will lose access to your account, but the data will not be deleted for the next 30 days. If the account is not renewed in those 30 days, data will be deleted.

How are my data secured?

Všechna data jsou zálohována každý den a jsou uložena v certifikovaných datových úložištích dle ISO 270001 a TIER III. Data jsou taktéž v reálném čase replikována na několik serverů, aby byla zaručena jejich 100% dostupnost v závislosti na možných HW a síťových problémech.

All data are backed up every day and are saved in certified data storage according to ISO 270001 and TIER III. Data are also real-time duplicated to several servers to ensure 100% accessibility in case of any HW or web problems.

Which energies can be monitored?

Right now, monitoring of electric energy, heat, gas, cooling and water is possible. Different energies can be then divided into for example “electricity for cooling or HVAC, cold and hot water or heats utilised for heating water”.