Energy Monitoring for Green Buildings part I

3 minutes of reading
Enectiva team

Knowing how a building works is important to monitor energy use in order to reduce energy consumption, operating costs and its environmental impact. The british BREEAM protocol and the american LEED protocol certify Green Buildings based on their various sustainable qualities and the reduction of overall energy consumption. In order to gain the biggest possible amount of points, a thoroughly done energy monitoring solution is crucial.

The number of credits a Green Building has in the LEED and BREEAM certifications, gives various advantages linked to the higher property value for building owners and developers, increased occupancy rates and rent levels. In addition, the building is sold or rented much faster and remains occupied longer because of the reduction of maintenance and management costs.

Green buildings

Energy monitoring represents a significantly big part in BREEAM or LEED scoring. Below, you can see two charts shwoing what percent of the final score is represented by energy monitoring.

Chart for category BREEAM BIU 2016 (Buildings In Use)

BREEAM section Number of credits available Number of credits gained by Enectiva Final score gained by Enectiva
HEA (in total)                     37                           6                      16,22 %
ENE (in total)                     60                           20                      33,33 %
WAT (in total)                     26                           24                      92,31 %

Chart for category LEED NC V4 (New Constructions Version 4)

LEED section Number of credits available Number of credits gained by Enectiva Final score gained by Enectiva
WE (in total)                     10                           1                      10,00 %
EA (in total)                     33                           5                      13,51 %
IAQ (in total)                     12                           1                      8,33 %

Go check our article Energy Monitoring for Green Buildings part II for more precise charts!

Enectiva is your ideal solution. It is a cloud-based energy monitoring software providing measurement and analysis of energy consumption through the long-distance collection of data from all types of energy meters and sensors. Enectiva is cost effective on-line solution used worldwide.

The Enectiva platform offers you a various set of advantages and functions:

  • Monitoring: long-distance monitoring of your overall energy consumption (water, gas, heating, electricity etc.) - there is no need to physically check the meters, Enectiva will do the hard work

  • Optimization: analysis of automatic reports; higher value for future tenants, reduction of the administrative burden; improvement of the usage of assets

  • Management: detection of weak points in energy efficiency (energy wasting, inefficient equipment) based on which we can provide you a tailor-made energy saving plan; in case of an accident, breakdown, HVAC malfunction or any unexpected event, Enectiva will alert you immediately

It’s just that simple! You ask for job to be done, we get the job to be done. The only thing left to do is profit!

With the Enectiva application you will acquire a more accurate knowledge of your Green Building through:

  • Energy readings (water, gas, heat, electricity, etc.)
  • GIS building data and physical building characteristics
  • Square footage
  • Operational schedule and occupancy type
  • HVAC systems parameters
  • Local weather data

We should consider the main goals of green buildings: to make the earth more sustainable. Energy efficiency is the most important factor to minimize the negative impact to the environment, Enectiva is an investment which allows you to save money and help the environment in the long run.

Have any questions about energy analytics or management? Contact the Enectiva team at +420 222 766 950 or