You know it. Each profession has its own specific vocabulary that differentiates that profession from others. Sometimes it seems that these disciplines perhaps create these terms just to make them more difficult to understand. And the same is true of energy management. However, our goal is to raise awareness. We want companies to behave more efficiently, so in this article we bring you an inventory and explanation of the most common terms you may encounter in the field of energy management.
the level of energy consumption that is used to determine savings for the austerity measures in place. It is mostly a combination of theoretical consumption and measured real consumption for a period of 12-36 months retroactively.
Day degree
it is an indicator that allows you to compare heat consumption in different heating periods with different climatic conditions. It is determined as the value determined by the difference between the average indoor temperature (ths) in the house and the outdoor temperature (tes) multiplied by the number of days of the heating season. In layman’s terms, the more days, the more cold it was and the more you had to heat.
stands for Energy Management . You will find plenty of expert definitions, but energy management is a term that refers to monitoring energy consumption, the cost of it, and finding ways to increase energy efficiency.
short for Energy Management Information System . Information system of energy management. It is a tool that enables organizations to plan, make decisions and take measures to manage their energy consumption and costs.
Energy Performance Indicators . Indicators set by the company to monitor energy efficiency.
Energy Performance Contracting is a way to implement various austerity measures, including secured funding. For the client, this form of providing energy services has the advantage of minimal risk. The investment in austerity measures is repaid only from the savings achieved.
The Energy Regulatory Office is an organization regulating the energy market in the Czech Republic. It issues price decisions on electricity and gas supplies every year.
Energy Service Company . This is collectively referred to as companies providing energy services and energy management services.
ISO 50001
standard defining standards in the field of energy management within organizations.
or Metering bus is the name for the protocol and the physical bus, which is widely used to collect meter readings.
Supply point
is the place where the energy consumer is connected to the distribution network.
Sampling diagram
sometimes also referred to as a load diagram, it represents energy consumption over a period of time. You can see daily, weekly, monthly, etc.
activity when writing the current state from the energy meter.
Secondary measurement
energy metering within the organization that is located behind the offtake point. Typically, tenants in administrative buildings or manufacturing equipment in industry are secondary.
Primary energy
it is technically an energy that has not undergone any transformation process. It is the energy that is contained in natural resources.
Austerity measures
an activity that leads to increased energy efficiency. It does not have to be only a reduction of its consumption, but also the costs of operation.
Reserved capacity
is the agreed value of the electrical power that the large customer has undertaken not to exceed in the time period. Typically this is one month.
Significant Energy User is a device that has been found to be significant in terms of consumption within the organization where it is located.
Carbon footprint
referred to as carbon footprint in foreign literature , the total amount of greenhouse gas emissions (such as carbon dioxide and methane) is expressed in tons of carbon dioxide equivalent.
1/4 hour maximum
in practice this is the same value as the booked capacity. The maximum power consumption limit is set to 15 minutes.
unit of power, ie the power required to perform 1 Joule per second.
the most common unit of energy in practice. This is the work that the machine will do one Watt in one hour.
If you find another term in the field of energy management and you do not know what to do with it, contact us and we will be happy to clarify it.