ISO 50001 – How to implement it

5 minutes of reading
Enectiva team

Energy management and efforts to prevent energy waste have become a significant topic for many companies. Is your motivation a commitment to resource protection? Do you want to find out where your company can save energy? Do you want to save money? Is the market pressuring you? Whatever your reasons, the ISO 50001 energy management system may be the solution for you.

How to implement ISO 50001 into an existing integrated management system

If your company already has one of the management systems (ISO 9001, ISO 14001, ISO 45001, etc.) in place, you have an advantage when applying the requirements of ISO 50001. You are familiar with the ISO language and have managed the mandatory elements that the standard requires. You know how to create a policy, conduct reviews, manage documentation and records, adhere to an internal audit plan, have a process for managing non-conformities, and make progress through a continuous improvement system.

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A significant change for you will be how performance indicators are managed. The indicators you monitor within other management systems are measurable, but they are usually evaluated over a longer time horizon and relate to the company’s medium- to long-term goals. In contrast, energy performance indicators (EnPI) are evaluated regularly, usually monthly. Therefore, data collection for EnPI needs to be set up to be flexible and allow real-time data evaluation. This also accelerates the process of setting and implementing corrective and preventive measures, requiring active involvement from responsible team members.

A new term within the ISO 50001 system for you will be the “energy baseline”, against which you will evaluate your indicators. Simply put, this is the determination of the basic level of energy consumption of the monitored process, operation, or technology. It can be based on historical data, current consumption collection or technical data sheets of the equipment. With a properly set up and maintained energy management system, you should be able to lower the energy consumption close to your energy baseline over time.

Did You Know?

You can implement the ISO 50001 energy management system in any segment of your company, regardless of its size. If you lack historical data, or if you don’t have reliable data collection, or the necessary information from equipment manufacturers, you can implement the system in smaller units, such as production without logistics, one type of energy, or specific technology equipment. This will give you insights into working with energy performance indicators, which you can then more easily transfer to other segments within the company.

How to implement ISO 50001 without a certified management system

If your company does not yet have any management system (ISO 9001, ISO 14001, ISO 45001, etc.) in place, the initial implementation will involve a larger volume of work, mainly in developing procedures and documentation. ISO standards generally specify documentation requirements within their text. Such documentation includes guidelines, work procedures, evaluations, review records, and documentation related to energy data collection and evaluation.

In addition to creating documentation, you will also need to describe and implement processes that are mandatory according to the standard but are not currently in place in your company. These typically include an internal audit system, a system for managing non-conformities and corrective actions, and a continuous improvement system.

Data collection and evaluation for energy performance indicators (EnPI) must be operational enough to demonstrate that you respond to possible exceedances or fluctuations in real-time.

After setting up all processes, documents, records, and management of energy data you can proceed with the certification itself. Certification cycle lasts for three years. In the first year, you will undergo a certification audit. The ISO 50001 management system audit has two parts. The first part of the audit focuses on checking the aforementioned processes, documents, and records and usually lasts two days (depending on the certification body’s practices). The second part of the audit takes place directly at the sites the company is certifying (production hall, building, operation). After successfully completing the certification audit, you will have surveillance audits for two years, which are usually smaller in scope (the check is more sample-based). Before the end of the three-year cycle, you will undergo a recertification audit, which is again a detailed check of how the management system is used and maintained.

Keep in Mind

For ISO 50001 certification, it is essential to demonstrate continuous improvement, which must be proven by the company. Unlike other management systems, this standard specifically requires ongoing active work with indicators. You must demonstrate your commitment to being able and willing to continuously advance in energy management through the setup and maintenance of the system.

Don’t Worry!

ISO certification can seem complex and demanding. However, the Enerfis team is ready to guide you through implementing the energy management system so that you can actively use the system and achieve long-term goals and reductions in energy consumption and costs in your company.

Do you want to find out how we can help you with certification?

The Enerfis team offers consultancy in setting up processes according to ISO 50001, whether for existing management systems or new certification. We can also provide internal audits in accordance with ISO 50001 by our company auditor.

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