Hydrogen Measurements Challenges

“We are currently seeking new regional partnerships. If you are interested in selling our Enectiva solutions in your region, please contact us at partners@enectiva.com." While there is various methods to measure the consumption of hydrogen, there is also numerous challenges and potential troubles linked to these methods that can be encountered and have to be taken in account : “We are currently seeking new regional partnerships. If you are interested in selling our Enectiva solutions in your region, please contact us at partners@enectiva.

Hydrogen Measurements Techniques

In order to measure hydrogen consumption, various methods can be used depending on the specific application and the level of accuracy required. “We are currently seeking new regional partnerships. If you are interested in selling our Enectiva solutions in your region, please contact us at partners@enectiva.com." “We are currently seeking new regional partnerships. If you are interested in selling our Enectiva solutions in your region, please contact us at partners@enectiva.com."

Why monitor your Indoor Air Quality?

What is Indoor Air Quality? Indoor Air Quality (IAQ) refers to the quality of the air inside a building, house or apartment, in particular relating to the well-being of the inhabitants of that building. Approximately 90% of our time is spent indoors, so having a healthy interior environment is crucial. Understanding where IAQ comes from and the impact it has on people’s health is important in order to take the necessary measures to improve indoor air quality.

Energy saving measures: here is how you can act

Whether you want to save energy for your industrial park, for your offices or for your residential buildings, we’ve got you covered. As displayed in our previous article, everybody can play its role in saving gas consumption, and energy as a whole. In a time of extreme crisis, climate change and war, every action matters. But it can be overwhelming and seem complicated. This is why we made a list of everything you can do, whatever your sector.

Energy saving in times of war: can we cut out Russian gas entirely?

The rising tensions between Europe and Russia in the past months have seen an unprecedented increase in sanctions from the Bloc towards the Russian Federation. The latter has become the most sanctioned country in the World, mechanically affecting trade. Amongst the sanctions, the question of Russian gas has been central in the public and political debate. It is known that Europe uses Russia’s gas, and Russia gladly takes in the euros from that exchange.